Our Services.

**NOTE – All services are currently on hold due to current changes within the business. We aim to resume these services as soon as possible.**

  • Alterations.

    In an age that’s moving away from consumerism and fast fashion, charity shop finds and second-hand site bargains are becoming all the craze. But what happens when you’ve found the perfect garment, but its just a little too big or a little too long? There’s almost always a simple alteration that can be made in these cases, and more often than not, the end result is owning a garment that’s completely one of a kind, and a lot cheaper than mainstream brands.

  • Repairs.

    We can fix almost anything, and if we can’t, we’ll tell you — simple as that. Why throw something away when a simple repair could give it another few years?! It could be a broken zip, or a torn seam, or a lost button. Whatever it is, just drop by (ideally with the item) for a quick consult and we’ll see what can be done.

  • Customisations.

    Fancy adding some lace trim to give new life to a tired blouse? Or adding some patches to your favourite old jeans? We can even add machine embroidery to almost anything! Chat to us about what you’ve got in mind and we’ll do our best to make your vision a reality. Even if you haven’t got a clear idea yet, we’re always keen to spit ball ideas until we’ve reached a plan that you’re excited about (but never more excited than we are for new ideas!).